Memory Saved – Watermedia
On view through October 7, 2023
Janice Mason Art Museum
Cadiz, Kentucky
“Memory Saved – Watermedia” by Tom Powell – Artist Statement:
“Our time here is short. We are allowed a finite number of experiences. Most file them away in their memory, pulling them to the surface when needed. I have been blessed with the ability to draw and through that blessing I try to capture my experience. I see; I feel, and I put the experience on paper. That is why I paint – to capture a fleeting moment and remember the experience. It’s possible no one other than my family will ever remember my work, and that is ok. I don’t paint to sell; I paint for myself. I paint because I must.”
[Image: Tom Powell, Chinatown, 2021. Watercolor, 22″ x 16″]