American Perspectives: Stories from the American Folk Art Museum Collection
On view through January 8, 2023
The Frick Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
This exhibition looks at the continuum of self-taught art across time and place from the earliest days of the founding of the United States to the present. Drawn entirely from the collection of the American Folk Art Museum, American Perspectives includes an extraordinary selection of paintings, sculpture, and other objects that demonstrates the diversity of American life and experiences. Each artwork is a powerful vehicle for storytelling, and this exhibition reveals the vital role folk art plays as a witness to history, a marker of cultural heritage, and a reflection of the world at large through the eyes, heart, and mind of an artist. Looking at nationhood, freedom, immigration, opportunity, and legacy, this is the first presentation of folk art in the Frick’s history.
[Image: John Van Reed Evans Homestead and Farmscape (detail). John Rasmussen (1828–1895), Berks County, PA, c. 1879–1886. Oil on zinc-plated tin. 26 3/8 x 35 3/8 in. Collection American Folk Art Museum, New York. Gift of Ralph Esmerian, 2005.8.15. Photo © 2000 John Bigelow Taylor.]