Terry Cockerham: Big Bend
On view through February 4, 2023
The Grace Museum
Abilene, Texas
“The Big Bend area appeals to me on a very basic and instinctual level and offers a much-needed break from life in the city. I admire the honesty and resilience of the people and the stark, desolate beauty of the land. I am fascinated by the history and traditions of this remote part of Texas, and I am saddened to notice the environmental changes which have occurred during my relationship with this landscape. I offer these images as a tribute to the nobility and majesty of this unique place.”
-Terry Cockerham
Read more here: https://thegracemuseum.org/exhibitions/terry-cockerham-big-bend/
[Image: Terry Cockerham, Cerro Castellano, black and white digital photograph, Collection of The Grace Museum, Gift of the artist]