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Common Thread: Indigenous Perspectives from the Arctic
On view through January 5, 2025
IAIA Museum of Contemporary Native Arts
Santa Fe, New Mexico

For millennia Indigenous peoples of the North have lived in harmony with the land and sea. The twelve artists and activists in the exhibition “Common Thread: Indigenous Perspectives from the Arctic” continue this relationship. Their artworks examine critical issues, including land rights, borders, environmental concerns, language and cultural preservation, identity, self-representation, and violence against Indigenous peoples. These works also highlight artists’ connection to place, the natural world, and their communities.

[Image: Aslaug Magdalena Juliussen (Sámi, Norway), Várddus – Vy – View, 2017–2023, textiles, fibers, animal skin, 71” x 51” x 2”, photograph courtesy of Kunstnerforbundet.]