Counter Mapping
On view through January 22, 2022
516 ARTS
Albuquerque, New Mexico
516 ARTS presents “Counter Mapping,” a group exhibition and series of public programs focusing on map-related artworks by 14 local, national, and international artists and art collectives.
This exhibition is inspired in part by Jim Enote’s work on a counter mapping project he led for the A:shiwi A:wan Museum and Heritage Center at Zuni Pueblo, where he invited several Zuni artists to create maps of the region from a Zuni perspective. He says “It has been said by many that more lands have been lost to Native people through mapping than through physical conflicts.”
Co-curated by Viola Arduini and Jim Enote (Zuni Pueblo), the exhibition engages with geography, identity, politics, and the environment through painting, sculpture, photography, video, and installation. “Counter mapping” is a practice of mapping against dominant power structures to reclaim stories and memories of place.
[Image: Minoosh Zomorodinia (San Pablo, CA), Golden Routes 5, 2021. Birchwood, acrylic gold, 27.5 x 12.5 inches]