Embroidery and Design: The Art of Chinese Opera Costumes
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Chinese American Museum DC
Bold ornamental and auspicious designs adorn Chinese Opera costumes. Color and embroidery evoke instantly recognized characters. A highly ornate pink backdrop costume brandishing a full plumed peacock conjures the character of a skilled warrior. Dr. April Liu, author of Divine Threads: The Visual and Material Culture of Cantonese Opera and Lee Talbot, East Asian textile history specialist will join the conversation to give highlighted detail on opera costume textiles, their history, design, and unparalleled artisanship.This event provides an up-close look at the private collection of opera costumes now on display at the museum’s special exhibit Golden Threads: Chinese Opera in America.
View online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zp1pmkvqZMY
[Image: Chinese American Museum DC, Golden Threads: Chinese Opera in America]