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Gateway to Himalayan Art
On view through July 27, 2025
Utah Museum of Fine Arts
Salt Lake City, Utah

“Gateway to Himalayan Art” introduces the main forms, concepts, meanings, and religious traditions of Himalayan art with objects from the collection of the Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art, New York. The exhibition features sculptures, Tibetan scroll paintings (thangkas), ritual implements, medical instruments, and instructional paintings, as well as a stupa and prayer wheel. The commissioning, creation, and use of such objects are tied to the accumulation of merit, religious advancement, and hopes for wealth, long life, and well-being.

This traveling exhibition is organized and provided by the Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art and curated by Senior Curator of Himalayan Art Elena Pakhoutova.

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[Image: Stories of Noble Deeds (Avadana), Central Tibet; late 18th-19th century, Pigments on cloth, Rubin Museum of Art, Gift of the Shelley & Donald Rubin Foundation, F1996.27.1 (HAR 494)]