Gestures: Mid-Century Abstraction from the Collection
On view through January 24, 2022
Asheville Art Museum
Asheville, North Carolina
“There are no rules, that is one thing I say about every medium, every picture . . . that is how art is born, that is how breakthroughs happen. Go against the rules or ignore the rules, that is what invention is about.” —Helen Frankenthaler, 1994
The 1940s through 1970s marked a period during which many artists in the United States emulated the above words of Helen Frankenthaler, one of the most innovative and influential artists of her time. “Gestures,” drawn from the Museum’s Collection with select loans from regional collectors and institutions, highlights works in a variety of media that speak to the vibrant abstract experiments in American visual culture that emerged after World War II.
[Image: Jorge Fick, Untitled, not dated, pastel, crayon, and pencil on paper, 18 3/4 × 23 7/8 inches. Black Mountain College Collection, Gift of Judy Perlman, 2013.13.06. © Estate of Jorge Fick]