Handstitched Worlds: The Cartography of Quilts
On view February 19—May 15, 2022
Utah Museum of Fine Arts
Salt Lake City, Utah
Imagine your family’s journey to get here. Imagine the map of the lands and seas they traveled, the borders they passed through, the lands they’ve cared for. Now imagine that journey is on a quilt. What would that quilt look like?
“Handstitched Worlds: The Cartography of Quilts,” a traveling exhibition from the American Folk Art, Museum in New York, invites visitors to explore quilts as maps of human stories and experiences.
[Artist Unknown (India), Soldier’s Quilt (detail), 1850–75, wool, probably from military uniforms with embroidery thread, rickrack, and velvet binding; inlaid, layered-applique, hand embroidered, image courtesy of the American Folk Art Museum, gift of Altria Group, Inc., photo by Gavin Ashworth.]