INCREDIBLE LIGHTNESS: A Retrospective of the Work of Jerry Wingren
On view through January 23, 2022
Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art (BMoCA)
Boulder, Colorado
The exhibition features abstract, geometrical sculptures of alabaster, granite, marble, steatite, steel, and wood as well as works on paper. It centers on a career-long attempt to lighten up, lift-off, and float materials that are often heavy and ponderous. Throughout his work, there is a fascinating, relational dichotomy between elemental materials of stone, steel, and wood, and how they live with and depend on the natural elements of light and time. Wingren’s art is always about light and lightness, incredible lightness.
[Image: Jerry Wingren, Swedish Black Granite Resting Stone #1, 2006-2008, black granite, 8″ × 13″ × 12″. Courtesy of Alexander Esseveld]