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Asian Art Museum
200 Larkin Street, San Francisco, CA 94102, United States
Chester County History Center
225 North High Street, West Chester, PA 19382, United States
Columbia Gorge Discovery Center & Museum
5000 Discovery Drive, Apt. 2904, The Dalles, OR 97058, United States
Kauffman Museum at Bethel College
2801 North Main, North Newton, KS 67117, United States
Kennedy Museum of Art
1 Lin Hall, Athens, OH 45701, United States
Lam Museum of Anthropology, Wake Forest University
Palmer Hall, Carroll Weathers Drive, Winston-Salem, NC 27109, United States
Maxwell Museum of Anthropology, University of New Mexico
500 University Blvd, Albuquerque, NM 87131, United States
338 Arnolds Valley Road, Natural Bridge Station, VA 24579, United States
Museum of Wayne County History
21 Butternut Street, LYONS, NY 14489, United States
Penn Museum (University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology)**
3260 South Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104, United States
Sandwich Glass Museum and Historical Society
129 Main Street, Sandwich, MA 02563, United States
Shelton McMurphey Johnson House
303 Willamette Street, Eugene, OR 97401, United States
The Museum of the Red River
812 East Lincoln Road, Idabel, OK 74745, United States
TileWorks of Bucks County
130 E. Swamp Road, Doylestown, PA 18901, United States
Zeeland Historical Society / Dekker Huis Museum
37 East Main Avenue, Zeeland, MI 49464, United States
15 NARM Institutions found in the category "Anthropology"

Certain museums have restrictions as indicated by a symbol after their name. The following key explains what each symbol means:

*NARM privileges may be restricted for concerts/lectures/special exhibitions and ticketed events.
**NARM privileges do not extend to members with a home institution within a 15 mile radius.
***NARM privileges do not extend to members with a home institution within a 15 mile radius and may be restricted for concerts/lectures/special exhibitions and ticketed events.
#NARM privileges do not extend to members with a home institution within a 50 mile radius.
##NARM privileges do not apply to the Pacific Film Archive.
^NARM privileges are not extended to members of institutions that restrict to this institution.

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