On view March 31 through April 30, 2023
Berkshire Botanical Garden
Stockbridge, Massachusetts
In “Nest/Emerge,” Elizabeth Cohen explores relationships between natural and imagined forms through layers and patterns, re-contextualizing them. The works invite viewers to experience quiet moments and unexpected delights. Incorporating hand-thrown porcelain, mulberry paper, wasp nests, and other materials found in nature, Cohen’s art beckons the viewer to connect with the botanical world.
“I find inspiration everywhere: the natural world, microscopic images, landscapes, shells, bugs, bark, leaves, pods and seeds,” she said.
A studio potter living Wellesley, Mass., Cohen explores cycles of birth, life and death, growth and decay, rhythm and change. She explores varied metaphorical nuances, such as family, security and comfort, through nesting sets.
[Image: Elizabeth Cohen, Carved Nesting Set]