Remnants and Echoes
On view through June 18, 2023
Tephra Institute of Contemporary Art
Reston, Virginia
Hillary Waters Fayle is most often recognized for her “Stitched Botanicals,” intricate embroidery on individual found leaves, and her “Portraits of Place,” for which she collects botanical samples from a particular location and creates large mandala-like arrangements of the leaves and petals.
This exhibition shows examples from these two series and takes a broader look at the variety of modes of making that comprise her practice, including cyanotypes, collage work, patterns cut into leaves, hand-drawn quilt squares, and composition studies sewn from fabric scraps – many of which have not previously been shown publicly. Through this survey of material processes, Remnants and Echoes traces the artist’s exploration of naturally occurring patterns and savors the revelatory potential of her deliberately slow pace.
[Image: Hillary Waters Fayle, Botanical Blueprint: Hortus Arboretum, 2020]