Slice: Biodigital Jewellery by Paul McClure
On view through October 3, 2020
Craft Ontario Gallery
Toronto, Ontario
‘Slice’ is a collection of jewellery expressing my fascination with the microscopic realm of the human body. Abstract forms refer to bacteria, viruses, cells and their structures within us. As these invisible but universal components come to define us, they also acquire cultural meaning independent of their biological definition. The highly aestheticized microscopic imagery and cutaway diagrams from popular science are particular sources of inspiration for this work: geometric forms, graphic patterns and vibrant colours. The forms are “digitally handmade” using a combination of computer modelling and 3D printing technologies with traditional metalworking techniques of forming, fabricating and finishing. Slicing through these forms reveals surprising and pleasing sections and patterns. However, the slice, like a microbe itself, exposes tensions between the benevolent and sinister, the beautiful and ugly, the fascinating and fearful.
– Paul McClure
The artist gratefully acknowledges support from the Ontario Arts Council, Birmingham City University and George Brown College. Craft Ontario exhibitions are supported by the Ontario Arts Council and Toronto Arts Council.
Image: Paul McClure. ‘Slice’ brooches, 2020. Nylon, stainless steel. Approx. 8 x 4 cm each. Photo: Digital by Design.