Suited Up: Contemporary Armor Making in Texas
On view through September 11, 2021
Houston Center for Contemporary Craft
Houston, Texas
This exhibition, featuring suits of armor inspired by historical re-enactments, fantasy, and cosplay, explores the extraordinary craftsmanship behind armor making in the Lone Star State. Showcasing everything from traditional metalwork and leatherwork to 3D-printed and innovative do-it-yourself suits, the works on view exemplify the vibrant and diverse spectrum of fantastical armorers in Texas. Learn more>…/suited-up-contemporary-armor…
[Image: Nyvedna Productions, “Shuri Armor,” 2018. Neck piece: EVA black low-density foam, mini earth magnets, plastic; bodysuit: digitally designed and printed performance stretch fabric and vinyl decals; skirt: hand-stamped upholstery fabric and D-rings; belt buckle: 2 mm EVA foam; arm bands: pleather, stretch fabric, rubber tunes, snap magnet, elastic; gauntlets by RandMaskEnterprises. Photo by Ivan Flores. Courtesy of artist.]