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The Big 4-0: New Views of the Collection
August 23 – December 21, 2024
Haggerty Museum of Art, Marquette University
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

“The Big 4-0: New Views of the Collection” highlights major works from the Haggerty’s collection with fresh interpretations, new research, and several collection items never exhibited before. Featured are artworks by Mark Bradford, María Magdalena Campos-Pons, Enrique Chagoya, LaToya Ruby Frazier, Jeffrey Gibson, Sam Gilliam, Philip Guston, Keith Haring, Wifredo Lam, Elizabeth Murray, Diego Rivera, Richard Serra, and more. This Fall’s The Big 4-0 is the first of a two-part installation of the exhibition galleries. The second part, opening in Spring 2025, will feature a completely new display to demonstrate the breadth and depth of the Museum’s collection.

Find out more here:…/40th-anniversary-exhibition

[Images: (left) Enrique Chagoya, Illegal Alien’s Guide to the Concept of Relative Surplus Value (detail), 2009, Color lithograph, Museum purchase with funds from Mrs. Martha W. Smith, by exchange, 2009.37 (center) Keith Haring, American, 1958 – 1990, Untitled, 1983, Ink on foamcore, 40 1/4 x 60 1/2 inches, 83.12.1, Gift of the artist, (right) Miguel Cabrera, The Flight to Egypt, 1760s, Oil on copper, Gift of Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Bader, 72.20 All images are from the collection of the Haggerty Museum of Art, Marquette University.]