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“The River Between” and “Stemming the Tide”
June 22 – October 19, 2024
Brattleboro Museum & Art Center
Brattleboro, Vermont

“The River Between” and “Stemming the Tide”—separate solo exhibits by Manolson and Straus, respectively—both explore the impact humans have on the natural world, albeit in very different ways. Manolson is a landscape painter, but she breaks the convention of framing a scene and instead plays with both paint and space, allowing her images to flow in richly colored layers across the gallery walls. Her compositions depict water, the essential resource of life with the power to both heal and destroy. Manolson’s paintings illustrate the constant change that exists in nature, and in bodies of water, as well as the role that humans play in that change.

[Image: Ilana Manolson, “Breath of the Beast” (2023), acrylic on yupo, 42 x 46 inches, from “The River Between.”]