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Vita Wild: Contemporary Wildlife Art
On view September 8 – December 15, 2024
Maier Museum of Art at Randolph College
Lynchburg, Virginia

With a primary focus on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem, “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art. Artists include Johnny Defeo, John Hitchcock, Frances Hynes, Adonna Khare, Mark Messersmith, Shelley Reed, Lauren Strohacker, Tom Uttech, and Travis Walker.

“Vita Wild” features paintings, prints, and sculptures offering diverse expressions of a category that has its roots in realism of subject, and faithful representation of habitat.

Find out more here:…/colleges-113th…/

[Image: Adonna Khare’s, Bison and Bears, 2020. Carbon pencil on paper.]