We Feel Our Way Through When We Don’t Know
Virtual tour and on view through February 12, 2023
Brattleboro Museum & Art Center
Brattleboro, Vermont
“We Feel Our Way Through When We Don’t Know” features the works of Mariel Capanna, Cheeny Celebrado-Royer, Oscar Rene Cornejo, Vessna Scheff, Gerald Euhon Sheffield II, and Lachell Workman.
Each artist’s contribution demonstrates a particular set of visual strategies centered on forms of abstraction and material process used to realize these works. Liquidity and stain, landscapes built from the accumulation of active marks and tape, logic systems colliding with acrylic medium on a surface, and meticulously selected materials assembled into objects to hold the spirit of a place and/or memory are just some of the moments present to behold. Each work serves as an example of commitment, resourcefulness, and resiliency made through touch and, in return, touching us.
Read more and take a virtual tour here: https://www.brattleboromuseum.org/…/you-feel-your-way…/
[Image: Cheeny Celebrado-Royer, Untitled I, 2022. Acrylic, tape on drafting film, 96 x 180 inches]