Western North Carolina Glass: Selections from the Collection
On view through April 15, 2024
Asheville Art Museum
Western North Carolina is important in the history of American glass art. Several artists of the Studio Glass Movement came to the region, including its founder Harvey K. Littleton. Begun in 1962 in Wisconsin, it was a student of Littleton’s that first came to the area in 1965 and set up a glass studio at the Penland School of Craft in Penland, North Carolina. By 1967, Mark Peiser was the first glass artist resident at the school and taught many notable artists, like Jak Brewer in 1968 and Richard Ritter who came to study in 1971.
Read more here: https://www.ashevilleart.org/…/western-north-carolina…/
[Image: Harvey K. Littleton, Lemon/Cranberry Lyrical Movement, 1989, blown, cut, polished Barium/potash glass with multiple cased overlays of Kugler glass. Gift from the James & Judith Moore Glass and Craft Collection, Asheville Art Museum. © Estate of Harvey K. Littleton.]