Yvette Molina: Big Bang Votive
On view through June 12, 2022
Brattleboro Museum & Art Center
Brattleboro, Vermont
A waffle iron, a yellow bicycle, a piece of toast: These are just a few of the delicately rendered objects in Yvette Molina’s constellation of paintings, each representing a memory or story. Molina spent months meeting people, listening to and recording their stories about things that brought them love or delight, and then making detailed egg tempera paintings of representative objects from those stories, set against a background of deep blue, starry night sky. The individual panels come together in the space as a panoramic galaxy of shared joy, encouraging the viewer to contemplate their own memories of warmth and happiness. Through this collection of human experiences, Molina underscores our interconnectedness and the infinite capacity we have for joy.
— Sarah Freeman, Curator
[Image of installation courtesy Brattleboro Museum & Art Center and the artist.]