³/ works by Kevin Townsend
On view through June 12, 2022
Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art
Boulder, Colorado
Kevin Townsend is a Kansas City-based artist with an expansive drawing practice that fuses mark-making, duration, and temporality. His obsessive drawings range from intimate works on paper to large works at the scale of architecture. Townsend’s drawings are rendered and exhibited on urban surfaces, building facades, interior spaces, museums, and galleries in cities across the US, Canada, Europe, and Australia. His drawings simultaneously index the passage of time and a laboring body’s movement through space. Each mark is a tick of the clock, a thought, a decision, and an action that, once collected, evoke swarms, fields, clouds, flows, or topographies.
Read more here: https://bmoca.org/exh…/2022/spring/works-by-kevin-townsend
[Image: Kevin Townsend’s drawings are part of his solo show at the Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art. Image Courtesy of BMoCA]