Cognition, Memory, and Intelligence: Knowing and Communicating
On view through December 12, 2022
Haggerty Museum of Art, Marquette University
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
“Cognition, Memory, and Intelligence: Knowing and Communicating” explores the ways that humans try to systematize and process data so that we can better understand the world around us and share that understanding with others. From the acquisition of language to the imaginative art of storytelling to the advent of data science and machine learning, so many of our ordinary and extraordinary human activities depend on memory-making, cognitive processing, and mental analysis. The works in this exhibit highlight these essential functions of cognition, demonstrating how the Marquette Core Curriculum’s “Cognition, Memory, and Intelligence” theme equips us to appreciate the interconnections between personal thought, self, and the other.
[Image: Tom Wudl, Bolivian, b. 1948, Circumstances Leading to the Discovery of the Unconscious, 1992, Oil on canvas, 35 3/4 x 28 inches, 2001.13.9, Gift of Peter Norton, Collection of the Haggerty Museum of Art, Marquette University]