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Eight New Exhibitions
On view through June 14, 2020*
Brattleboro Museum & Art Center
Brattleboro, Vermont

Eight new exhibits at the Brattleboro Museum & Art Center (BMAC) will be on view through June 14, except for the new installation in the Museum’s window bays, which will remain on display for a year. One exhibition, “Postcards to Brattleboro: 40 Years of Mail Art”, features postcards, cut-outs, drawings, and poems sent and received over nearly 50 years by Stuart Copans, known in the mail art world as “Shmuel.” Another exhibition, “Steven Kinder: 552,830”, features portraits of people experiencing homelessness whom Kinder has met over the years in New York City.

*Note that institutions may be temporarily closed to lessen the impact of COVID-19.

Image credit: Chuck Welch, Postcards to Brattleboro, (2020), mixed media