Felt Experience
Virtual & On view through October 10, 2022
Brattleboro Museum & Art Center (BMAC)
Brattleboro, Vermont
Felt is an ancient material, predating woven cloth. Used for utilitarian purposes such as clothing, rugs, saddles, hut coverings, and even armor, it has also been employed for centuries for ceremonial and religious purposes.
This exhibition surveys the work of five artists, based in New York, Canada, and California, who are working in felt today: Marjolein Dallinga, Ruth Jeyaveeran, Melissa Joseph, Liam Lee, and Stephanie Metz. Their studio practices range from the exploration of the personally and universally nostalgic (Joseph), to a desire to connect our interior and exterior worlds (Lee), to a coaxing out of the potential aliveness of the material (Dallinga), to an investigation of time and memory within repetitive motions of making (Jeyaveeran), to a masterful merging of opposing qualities through curiosity and play (Metz).
— Katherine Gass Stowe and Sarah Freeman, Curators
View online here: https://my.matterport.com/show/
[Image: Liam Lee, “Untitled, Grey” Tapestry, 2021. Felted merino wool on mohair. 102 in. x 96 in. Courtesy of Patrick Parrish Gallery, New York. Installation at Brattleboro Museum & Art Center]