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INQUESTIGATION: Women at the Intersections of Art + Science
On view through June 4, 2023
The Monmouth Museum
Lincroft, New Jersey

“INQUESTIGATION” is a Women’s Caucus for Art (WCA) National Exhibition of women at the intersections of art and science that seeks to create alternate perceptions and experiences of our realities through myriad approaches. Curated by WCA Member Patti Jordan, thirteen WCA member artists elicit a shared collective voice on this vast and probing theme: all sustain a creative practice that engages science on varying levels while evincing a common spirit of experimentation. Inquiries range from evolutionary science, new ecologies, biology, and the cellular, to identity and memory, macrocosms and microcosms, deep space, and the cosmos. A well-founded and innate interconnectedness exists between these works and derives from an authentic place frequently rooted in palpable, materials-based inquiries into subject matter.

[Image: Elizabeth Addison, Flowering Trees, 2022]