Interpreting “Fringe” in the Mel Gordon Papers
Present by the Harry Ransom Center
Austin, Texas
In a new article for the online “Ransom Center Magazine,” Visual Materials Intern Macaella Gray challenges the characterization of queer figures such as German dancer Anita Berber (1899 – 1929) as “fringe.” Using primary materials from the Center’s Mel Gordon Papers, Gray highlights Berber’s significance to then-contemporary discourses around dance, modernism, and Weimar Berlin’s cultural moment.
Read the article here:…/interpreting-fringe-in…/…
[Image: Illustration of Anita Berber in Mel Gordon’s photocopy of Dances of Vice, Horror, & Ecstasy by Anita Berber and Sebastian Droste, Mel Gordon Collection, Box 9, Harry Ransom Center.]