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Alec Egan: Drawing Room
On view through October 9, 2023
Brattleboro Museum & Art Center (BMAC)
Brattleboro, Vermont

Over the past ten years, artist Alec Egan has built an imaginary house through paintings. Each of his exhibitions highlights a different room in the house, including bathrooms, dining rooms, living rooms, bedrooms, and now, at BMAC, the “Drawing Room.”

With each manifestation of this project, Egan creates artwork in dialogue with the surrounding architecture. “As a former train station, BMAC is the perfect fit for a reprise of this multi-pronged approach,” said Egan. “My exhibition highlights a series of paintings that form a table-scape, which is more of a vignette of a room than a room but works perfectly for the converted ticket office. The intimacy of the space allows the nuance, absurdity, and meaning of the objects displayed in the master painting and in subsequent detail paintings to take on a life of their own.”

[Image: Alec Egan, Flowers in Ceramic Vase, 2022. Oil and flashe on canvas, 48 x 36 inches, from “Drawing Room”]